Privacy Policy’s privacy statement

It is important to highlight, in particular, that this website,, does not own any of the brand names that are shown or recommended on our pages through links or images. Furthermore, this website does not have ownership of any of the travel services that are offered by third parties. In return for the advertising services we are providing, the business whose products we are promoting will pay us a commission.


It is strongly recommended that the customer make contact with the company through the website from which he made his purchase in the event that there are problems and unexpected situations with the delivery, payment, or usage of the product, or any other situation that is comparable and requires additional assistance.


On this website, the use of cookies remains a possibility for the foreseeable future. If you are not acquainted with the phrase, these are little text files that are often used to store navigation information in the user’s browser. In the event that you are not familiar with the term, the following explanation may help. It is vital for us to gather this information, such as the pages that were viewed and the number of clicks that were performed, in order to provide a better user experience on the site.


A member of the affiliate program created this website with the intention of using various marketing strategies in the hope of driving traffic to certain businesses and companies offerings. The term “affiliate” refers to a person or company that enters into a kind of partnership with the owners of a product. This partnership allows the affiliate to receive payment whenever a visitor to the target website makes a payment after clicking on the affiliate’s individual link or image to get there.

Personal Information

It is not possible for the website to collect essential information from its users. Be aware that the company from whom you bought the item has access to your personal information, including data such as your address and telephone number, as well as your email address, and so on.

On their website, they have separate pages devoted to topics such as customer privacy, their guarantee, their trip cancelation policy, and the terms and conditions of their service. Before you book a vacation package, it is in your best interest to go through these pages to familiarize yourself with the rules and processes that are in place within our organization to deal with situations like these.

Utilization of services provided by a third party

In accordance with our normal operating procedure, we will only collect, use, and disclose any of your data insofar as it is required for us to deliver the services for which we have contracted with third-party providers.

Although many third-party services, such as payment gateways and other financial transaction providers, have their own privacy policies in place, we are required to comply with these policies because we must send data to these third-party services in order to complete the activities related to your purchase.

Reviewing the privacy policies of these service providers is something that you should do as soon as possible so that you are aware of how these businesses will handle any personal information that they get from you.

It is important to keep in mind that it is possible that certain service providers have their bases of operations in a nation that is not either yours or our own and that their actions take place in that country.

Your data may be subject to the laws of the jurisdiction(s) in which that service provider or its activities are located as a result of your decision to proceed with a transaction.

Property is a property of:
Trabalhador Digital Desenvolvimento de Sistemas LTDA
Cnpj: 24.476.825/0001-45
Rua Príncipe Humberto (VL Campestre) 112 conj 44
Cep: 09.725-200
Centro – São Bernardo do Campo – SP – Brazil
CEO: Danilo Soares da Costa
Contact: (21) 2634-0542

About our content

Duplicating our articles, web pages, photos, or promotional materials in any way is strictly prohibited unless you have our express permission to do so.


Make sure to get in touch with us if you need anything.